機会と芸術革命 – Machinery and the artistic revolution

Kimura, Toshimi 木村 利美 1930


Kimura, Toshimi 木村 利美 (ed. & transl.):

Kikai to geijutsukakumei 機会と芸術革命[Machinery and the artistic revolution].

Tokyo, Hakuyôsha 1930 (Shôwa 5).

Title, 32 plate pages, 316,(2)pp.

20 x 14 cm. Original photo illustrated wrappers.


Beside Tako Itagaki`s book “Kikai To Geijutsu Tono Koryu [TheCultural Exchange between Machines and Art].Tokyo 1929″another important publication about “Machine and Art Revolution”Edited with contributions from: Fox, Richard Michael (1891-1969),Carter, Huntly (1861-1942), O’Brian, Edward Joseph Harrington(1890-1941); and translated into Japanese by Toshimi Kimura.

Includes: Machines and capitalism. (Fox); Machines and Theater.(Carter); Machines and bourgeois-literature. (O’Brian); Machinesand the artistic revolution. (Kimura), Machines and proletarianliterature. (Kimura); Mechanisms and expression. (Kimura).

Very fine uncut copy