Werkbundausstellung “Die Wohnung” – Preface by Mies van der Rohe



Werkbund-Ausstellung. Die Wohnung, Stuttgart 1927 – 23. Juli – Mitte Okt.

Kleiner Führer durch die Werkbund-Siedlung Weissenhof.

Herausgegeben von der Ausstellungsleitung. Geschäftsstelle: Stuttgart, Gewerbehalleplatz 1.

Stuttgart, Druck Tagblatt-Buchdruckerei (1927).

72 pages with a plan, 15 portraits on one sheet, 2 illustrations and some advertisements.

21 x 15 cm. Photo illustrated original wrappers.


Very rare „Kleiner Führer” to the Werkbund Exhibition Stuttgart Weissenhof, not identical to the „amtlicher Katalog” which appeared in a similar form.

With a one-page preface by Mies van der Rohe.

The catalogue is introduced with the headline “Nicht der Unterhaltung dient diese Ausstellung”.  It goes on to say “Sie will studiert sein. Aber sie greift ein Problem auf, das alle Schichten unserer Bevölkerung angeht, das gegenwärtig brennendste Problem des europäischen kulturellen Lebens: die Frage der Neugestaltung unseres Wohnwesens.“

For each house or flat, the architects are named, some of whom were also responsible for the interior design. The house type, floor plan, construction and interior fittings are described. The suppliers for the entire furnishing of the houses are named: Carpets (J. Kerkovius, Camille Graeser), wallpaper (R. Lisker), paintings (Willi Baumeister and others), and of course the furniture (Marcel Breuer, Knoll, Thonet, etc.).

The present copy with the indication of the duration of the exhibition on the cover “23 Juli bis 23 Oktober” and on the title page with the indication “23 Juli – Mitte Okt(ober)”. The publication “official catalogue” states that the exhibition ends on 9 October.

Apart from a small brownish stain on the cover a very nice copy.