Shin rosia gakan (新露西亜画観) [Neue Ansichten aus Russland]

Keishi, Ose (尾瀬 敬止). 1930 EUR 650,-

Keishi, Ose (尾瀬 敬止).

Shin rosia gakan (新露西亜画観) [Neue Ansichten aus Russland]/ Siluet novoi Rossii.

Tokyo: Ars, Shôwa 5 [1930].

[8], 155, [5] pp. Profusely illustrated with photographs and reproduced drawings throughout.

20 x 18 cm. Original illustrated boards and matching illustrated cardboard slipcase.

EUR  650

The book documenting Keishi Ose’s trip to the Soviet Union in 1927, it is an exploration of the new Soviet state. The outstanding design of the book and slipcase, fusing Russian and Japanese avant-garde elements, is by Onichi Koshiro (1891-1955). The binding and book design by Onchi is remarkable, capturing the constructivist aesthetic very effectively.  Although Onchi later became known as an important print-maker and photographer, he initially supported himself as a book designer. A compelling symbiosis of Japanese book design and Russian constructivism.

The spine and the edges of the slipcase browned.