Typography by Kurt Schwitters- Die billige, gute Wohnung.



Die billige, gute Wohnung. Grundrisse zum zusätzlichen Wohnungsbau-Programm des Reiches.

Berlin, „Die Baugilde“, (1930).

II+80 pp. with 119 detailed plans.

30 x 21 cm. Printed blue-grey wrappers, designed by Kurt Schwitters .


A rare by Kurt Schwitters designed publication who (on the last page) is credited for the overall typography of the publication. Social housing projects by leading German modernist architects. Minimum housing plans for „cheap, good dwellings“ by Döcker, Gropius, Häring, Haesler & Völcker, Hilberseimer, Luckhardt & Anker, Rading, Schwagenscheidt, Völckers, and others.

Wrappers with former owner´s name „I(mmanuel) Hohlbauch“ and, with his owner’s stamp inside and some annotations and markings in the book. Immanuel Hohlbauch (1879-1953), town councillor in Göppingen, trained carpenter and architect. Even during his student days, he was a committed supporter of the Liberals; his friends included Rheinhold Maier and, in particular, Theodor Heuss. Heuss was often a guest of Hohlbauch. When Heuss was almost unable to publish anything under the Nazis, Hohlbauch supported him as far as his resources allowed. Hohlbauch also went through a difficult time between 1933 and 1945. As he was a particularly strong opponent of the Nazis, he was constantly subjected to harassment. The climax came in 1938, when the Hitler Youth publicly paraded him through the city centre with a sign around his neck as a „Jewish friend“.