Ostwald – Maltechnik – Theory of Colour

Ostwald, Wilhelm 1930


Ostwald, Wilhelm.

Die Maltechnik jetzt und künftig.

Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 1930.

VII, 160 pp. and 4 figures in the text, 4 colour plates with mounted original colour samples.

22 x 14,5 cm. Original wrappers.


First edition of the rather rare edition, 2 years before the author’s death. Despite his age, Ostwald (1853-1932) explained his theory of colour in a series of lectures at the Bauhaus Dessau in 1926 and 1927, spoke at the World Congress of Advertising in Berlin in 1929 and participated in the design of the Werkbund exhibition Wohnung und Werkraum in Breslau in 1929.

Binding with slight signs of wear, overall a fine copy.