CIAM. – [Hecographed] letter to the CIAM members

Van Eesteren 1932 EUR 2400,-

CIAM.-  6-page [Hecographed] letter to the CIAM members.

Dated: Zürich, November 26, 1932. Written by Van Eesteren and Giedion.

29 x 21 cm.

EUR  2400

Circular on the planned CIAM Kongress 1933 in Moscow, which did not take place. The letter contains information about the planned congress in Moscow, invites members to submit educational material, reports on past exhibitions, informs about upcoming exhibitions. Particularly interesting point 8 of the letter: closing dessauer bauhaus. The members are invited to publicly protest.

„wir bitten die delegierten jeder gruppe, sorge zu tragen, dass die schließung des bauhauses in der tages- und fachpresse auch nachträglich gebrandmarkt wird. es wäre auf die befruchtende tätigkeit und die bedeutunmg des bauhaus hinzuweisen, und zwar gerade in bezug auf seine weitgehende ausstrahlung, die anscheinend in deutschland immer noch nicht verstanden wird.“

“ We ask the delegates of each group to take care that the closure of the bauhaus in the daily and specialized press is also subsequently branded. it would be necessary to point out the stimulating activity and the importance of the bauhaus, especially with regard to its extensive significance, which apparently still does not seem to be understood in Germany.“

The paper partly foxing with a water edge lower right.

Provenance private property Austria.