Usaburō Toyama – Ismusuebersicht
1930 EUR 800,-
Usaburō Toyama, 外山卯三郎.
二十世紀絵画大観 / Nijisseiki kaiga taikan.
The binding and the slipcase with the original (!) publisher’s label in German: Die Malerei im 20 Jahrhunderts (sic!). Ismusuebersicht.
Tōkyō, Kinseidō 1930.
(4), 6 pages, 49 plates with full-page illustrations, 275 pages and (14) pages index of artists and 5 pages of publisher’s advertisements.
22,5 x 15,5 cm. Original brochure in original slipcase.
EUR 800
Toyama Usaburo (1903-1980) was a famous intellectual and historian of the Showa period. He wrote works on the European Modern Movement, the present one on art-isms in painting, as well as a well-known work on avant-garde photography in Europe in the twenties and thirties. The book’s index lists the following artists and art movements, among others: Hans Arp, Willy Baumeister, Marc Chagall, Max Ernst, Juan Gris, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Kasimir Malewitsch, Fernand Léger, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray; Neu Sachlichkeit, Expressionismus, Kubismus, Dadaismus, Suprematismus, Surrealismus.
WorldCat lists only two copies in Japan.
Very nice copy, only a few very small holes on the upper spine. With the almost flawless original slipcase.